I got almost 12 hours of sleep last night. aaaaaahhhhhhh… sigh of relief. I needed it, although I could have spent the time writing that darned last paper. Sleep was more important at the time. Now, though, I’m really sleepy at work and am having a difficult time concentrating.

I’ve only got one month left in this archives job, and then I’ll be unemployed for a few months. I was thinking of selling Creative Memories products to pass the time until I start school again in January. We’ll see. I’d kinda feel bad for taking Natalie’s south shore business, though.

I’d love to not have a job for a little while… just so my brain recovers from school. But I don’t know if it’s fair to make Jesse do all the out-of-the-house work. We both love being home and doing stuff around the house and we’ll actually have a yard and a garden for the first time in our life-away-from-our-parents that I think I’d feel guilty staying home. I know that when he goes to grad school (when I’m done) I’ll be working to support the both of us, so guilt really shouldn’t enter into the picture at all. I tell you, my brain is completely fried after this semester. That’s why the creative memories job would be ideal… I’d get to do home shows and sell stuff, but they’d be on my time. I think I have to do a certain amount of money per month (or a certain number of parties/shows) to keep the job, but I think I could manage that no problem without feeling too stressed. Natalie does this as her source of income (her husband has a 9-5 job) while she’s at home taking care of her baby daughter. She’d like to keep doing it so she can stay home permenantly with Emily. If they can do it with a baby, then I think we can manage it with only a ferret to take care of. Hee hee.

Once my brain has recovered, I’m going to feel like I want a job (just not a nine to five job yet)… and I can’t rationalize spending my money on creative memories supplies (I do scrapbooks on my own) or jewlery (from my friends’ business) But check out the belt buckle in the custom gallery! I need one! And besides to decorate the house the way I want to (even if it’s just changing colors, etc) we’ll need extra monies.