Ok, so if anyone has been around these parts and wondering where the hell I’ve been, here’s the story:

my modem crapped out.

There. That’s it. No tales of trials and tribulations. No epic story with which to charm your ears… just a modem that decided it would rather not work properly. Let me tell you, Jesse has discovered the wide world of “what the hell is that error message supposed to mean?” So, how did he fix the problem?

By changing the settings so that they would conflict with eachother. Normally this would make any modem go “ACK!” but ours said “hey, that’s more like it” and decided to work finally. I’ve got loads of email to catch up on, and lots of porn to delete.

A personal update: We’re all settled in the new house. We had our housewarming party last weekend, but because of my not being in contact with people via email, I didn’t get around to inviting all those that I would have like to have been there. My apologies to all. And my thanks to those who did make it in spite of my horrendous invitation procedure. I’ll be starting Creative Memories officially in August, hooray. I think I’ll like it alot.

Hope you all are having a wonderful summer (or winter depending on your hemisphere). Take care.

Replies: 2 comments… woo hoo!

Werd, Joelle…I’ll need to stop by the new pad and give you a propah’ welcome!

Posted by EvillMonkey @ 08/08/2003 09:50 AM EST

Welcome back 🙂

Posted by Babs @ 07/29/2003 10:43 PM EST