I just submitted the last paper I have to write for the semester. Hurrah!

I do, however, still have my internship to finish up, and the final project associated with that, but it’s not such a big deal. Mostly, the project will be a compilation of parts I’ve been working on all semester. I do have to write a few pages (2 or 3) describing the work that I’ve done there, and explaining the “final product.” Not too bad, really. And, I have a week and a half to work on it. Huzzah! If I can write two papers in three days, I think I can handle that. (And I didn’t even slack on the papers, it just took so damn long to read all the materials for the papers, that I had to squeeze writing them into those few days. It sucked, but at least I didn’t have writer’s block like last time, eh?)

I’m rather sleep deprived. Could use some coffee, but when I’m over tired, my stomach hurts, and if I have coffee when my stomach hurts, the coffee makes it worse. So, if you happen to see me today, I may be extra loopy. Also due to sleep deprivation, I keep feeling like I’m still on the train– like I’m having to walk around on something that’s moving. Strange feeling, that.