Sunday was a crazy-busy day. Jesse and I had brunch at Mikey and Reed’s apartment (deee-lish!) where there were gathered many of our friends. It was so nice to see everyone and share that awesome meal. Yum! I love eating with lots of people. Few things make me happier than meals with lots of people. The conversation was awesome, and the gathering so nice… we should do that more often!

After brunch, Jesse and I headed home to prepare for the scrapbook party. We rushed to finish cleaning a bit and then prepare the food before the guests arrived. Natalie and Denise were first to arrive because Natalie was the one giving the demo. Then MO arrived. And that was it. At 2:15 I began to be concerned since none of my friends are usually more than fifteen minutes late for an event, and certainly not all of them at the same time. I was expecting seven other people at the party beside Jesse and myself, and only three of those seven showed up. I sent out an email a few days ago (Thursday, I think), but MO didn’t get it, so I’m assuming it got lost in email limbo or something. The server has been up and down for the last several days (the server is switching around lots of stuff) so it probably got eaten. Ah, well. It was fun with just the few of us there. We made fun pages and MO is now a Creative Memories convert! whee! I didn’t have any photos for my page that I made today, since I want to put in photos of this spring… but spring finally just arrived today, so the photos are slightly delayed. I’ll be having three parties by the end of the year, so I’ll get some free gifties! yay! I’ve got to plan them out. I think the first will be in July, the second in September, and the third in early December. At least that’s my plan as of today… but we’ll see. This scrapbooking stuff is so much fun; I think Ruthy would really get a kick out of it, as would Erika, I think. I’ll have to bring my books down with me to Maryland when I visit at the end of next month.