Well, this Halloween has been a bit of a bust. We bought pumpkins to carve, but never got around to it. We decorated, but the cat pissed on the couch a couple of weeks ago, so we never really got around to putting the living room back in order. I stayed home sick today. My glands are all weird and sore, and my face has caught the plauge again. Double-whammy cold sores- I look like a vampire who’s bitten her own lip. At least I haven’t had an outbreak of cystic acne lately.

I’m tired and grumpy and have a million things to do. But I’m so fatigued I can’t really do much of any of it. I did work on my songs for Creative Sugar (performing on Saturday), though, so at least I accomplished something, even if I did stay in my pajamas all day.

Grump, grump, grump. Halloween is my favorite holiday, but this year I’m just not up to it.* I think trying to do three classes this semester was a big mistake. I’m feeling rather down about the whole thing, and am really quite miserable. I’m sure it’ll be fine in the end, but slogging through it isn’t much of a picnic, that’s for certain.

Right. Off to bed, then.

*I did have a good time at the Greenfield party this past weekend, however. We went as Wayne Campbell and Garth Algar. No photos, however.