Hey, Jack… what’s that scar?  😛 Hey, A kid! David.

Wow, Hugo… longest tshirt ever.

Hey, Jacob needs Hurley. Ooh, who’s coming?

Woo, shout out to the Red Sox!

Oh, look. More daddy issues.

Barf… holy shit, Jin. Ow ow ow ow.

I’m a big fan of Indy, too, Hurley. “Why don’t YOU go back to the courtyard?” “And I just lied to a Samurai”

Yeah, that’s waaaaay natural. Pretend to tie your shoe for 20 minutes. “…like obiwan kenobi… Man, I love Hurley.

Duuuude. I think you’re gonna get the chop, Jin. I see a Boone-like leg fate in your future. Hopefully not, though.

Awww. She’s really gone crazy. I’m not by myself.. I’ve got my dead boar pig skeleton fur baby.

“I leave everything to my illegitimate daughter Claire.” HAH. Called it. Maybe.

EWWWWWWW!!! GAAAAHHH!!!! Yes, of course I’m your friend, Claire… Just stop acting spooky. Holy crap, she’s awesomely scary.

Well, none of us forgot they were there. Yeah, what if those skeletons were you… we’ve been saying that for ages and ages.

So, you’ve lost your dad, and your son. Good job, Jack.

Aw, Jack… why do you do things to make me like you? That was sweet.

GRACK! I totally just screamed.

Heh. Your son’s a pianist. Like Daniel. (Aw, that just makes me miss Daniel.) Duuuuude. That’s Dogen! woah.

So, it’s going to be like Pete’s Dragon pretty soon, then. Gotta light it to help the ship get there.

WOAH!!!!!! No, Jack. I saw it, too. And the names again…. wow.

Jack. you frakking idiot. get mad and break shit. Is that how it’s going to go? Jacob probably planned it knowing you’d do something douchey.

Awww. I like alternajack. That was sweet.

Wow… Jacob is infuriatingly mellow.

Yeah, Jin.. you have to lie through your teeth to get away from crazy jungle Claire.

Mmhmm, Claire’s “friend.” I love how they STILL won’t give him a name.

-the end-