Once again, here is my live-blogging-style reaction babble post on this week’s episode. It’s up a bit late, because I only just watched it tonight. Hurrah for internet viewing, because derby interferes with my TV watching in real time. Anyway, here goes (this time with no edits because I am tired and lazy… I’m sure you can figure out the typos and what not yourselves):

Awww. Nadia. His brother’s wife. Oh, shit. A picture of Nadia. Oooooh. Is this going to raise a ruckus?

for every man there is a scale… Magic or science, Dogen? Turns out it’s asskicking time. ROCK!

Woah. Did anyone else see that? The ball paused above the ground! Holy schnikies. What was THAT about? Or was that just abc.com freezing for a moment. (I don’t feel like watching it again to check.)

You’ll only hurt the ones who won’t listen, Not Locke? Well that’s comforting. Not.

And Omar’s in trouble. Great. This does not bode well for Sayid, me thinks. Omar looks really afraid. Probably gonna get the chop if he doesn’t pay his debts.

Maybe you should send somebody he won’t kill? Good line.

Dogen: You. My room, 10 o’clock. You. 10:30. Bring a friend.

Banished, and now a special guest. Way to be confusing, Dogen.

Um, what kind of special crop do you have there now? Looks like it’ll either give you a rash or get you high.

So, Sayid has to kill Not Locke/Evil Incarnate? On your word, Dogen? Why should he trust you?

Everyone thinks that they’re the good guys. ‘Kill this dude if you want to serve the greater good.’ Ugh. So confusing.

Yeah, probably should’ve borrowed money from less gangstery types, Omar.

Ohai, Kate. Nice of you to make another cameo in this episode. That shirt makes Kate’s boobs look weird. It’s a high-neck t-shirt. You don’t wear that kind of a bra with that shirt. Odd.

Acting all weird… still hot though. Oh, Miles.

Smokey’s paying Sayid a visit. And, stab. But you let him speak first! Didn’t you listen to Dogen!? Now it’s too late!

What do you want, Not Locke? Everyone’s your errand runner? How can you promise him the world? Manipulating him with the promise of Nadia? That’s just cruel.

Ohai, Jack! And this is where Nadia and Sayid weep and then make out. And go. Oh, damn. No makey outey. OMG, Sayid, you’re so sad and awesome. ::sniff sniff::

So the people have to leave with so-called-Evil Not Locke or die. Helluva choice.

HAH! Awesome, Kate. Smarmy little prick deserved to be thrown against the wall.

Oh, but Kate… um, you might not want to tell Claire that you took the baby. Oh crap. Uh… you might want to step back from the crazy girl, Kate.

Oh, crap… Sayid has to “return” the knife to Dogen. Return it to his face, no doubt.

Uh oh. Don’t you DARE hurt those kids you creepy gangster guy. Stupid Omar for taking their money. Zoom in on the meat. Great. Nice. Just what we needed to see. Will Sayid be on the menu next? Ohai, Keamy. Of course you’d be working for these guys.

Here comes the beat down, Keamy. Don’t choke on your eggs. Make that a gun down, instead.

Hey, what’s that noise in the meat locker? JIN!

So, Dogen, are you able to kill Sayid? Why do you have to have other people try to do it?

Oh, Dogen, you killed your son in a drunk driving accident? How sad. Oh, so he wasn’t killed, but Jacob let him live in exchange for a lifetime of service. Okay, then.

And Sayid chooses to stay. By which he means drowning Dogen in the murky magic hot tub.

Damn. Both Sayids are on a rampage, it seems.

So, Dogen being alive was what was keeping the evil out? Why wasn’t that more public knowledge among the temple dwellers? Then they might not have panicked so much. And if that was the case, then what is up with the ash ring technique?

Damn, Smokey. Way to raise hell! WOAH!

Hey, the reinforcements!

Um, Claire, you might not want to fall into the pit with crazy Claire.

Sayid. Don’t you kill Ben. Ok, whew. For now.

Yeah, Sun, Jin’s alive! YAY! Oh, I hope they find each other soon.

Well, that’s a helluva mess. And I can’t tell if Not Locke looks pleased to see Kate or not. Lots of creepy smirking, though, from Not Locke, Claire, and Sayid.

And we’re done. Holy hell. That was a crazy-good episode.