I’m so freakin’ busy this weekend:
Today I’ve got to go home, and Kristen will probably be there to meet me when I get home. Hmm, probably should have cleaned a little. The kitchen is pretty gross, and I don’t think JeT had any time today to do it. Anyway, then I am going to see Evan’s plays tonight (Hell on Earth, a night of Sartre). And that will get out incredibly late. Kristen and Susan are crashing at our place, I assume.

Tomorrow, JeT and I are meeting with Jesse’s Dad to discuss stuff. Then I have to work at noon, and then in the evening I’m going to see Joe Hat in some play at BCC.

Then on Sunday, Mikey and Reed have that meeting at their place, and then I have to high-tail it down to NB for the scrapbook party at my place. arg! so much to do! And I haven’t even bought any snacks for the party or cleaned, or even planned how I’m going to arrange the furniture. And I have to email Natalie the head count today, and I don’t even know the final number!

yikes. Oh, and I haven’t even mentioned the severe amount of homework that I have to do. I think I have to write three papers, multiple revisions of previous work, and then general reading for each class. I’m swamped. At least there are only three weeks left until the end of the semester.

Oh, and I’m going to that rally on Tuesday, so I’ll have to catch up on work for that day. And then there’s that book from the Ethics class that I need to get so I can do the work that I’ve neglected to do. I hate falling behind. At least I’ve only fallen behind in that one class, so catching up shouldn’t be too heinous.
