Some of you may know of my love for the American Girl dolls. I know, I know. Expensive, yuppie toys. But when I was a kid, I actually had to save my allowance to buy one. Yes, I had a privileged childhood, but my parents did have some standards, you know.

Anyway, when I was 11, I saved and saved to buy my own Samantha doll. For my birthday and Christmas the next couple of years, I received some of her accessories. Then when I was a teenager and young adult, I stopped getting those things as gifts, and I spent my money on other stuff. Then I grew up and had bills and other adult stuff to pay for. I always thought I’d have the chance to catch up, complete the collection. Well, it seems time has nearly run out.

After over 20 years, Samantha is being retired. It turns out there are many, many items that I neeeeeeeeeeeeeed before they go away. Since this is the last holiday season that Samantha’s stuff will be available, I have created a gift registry. If any of you are considering buying me a gift this year for whatever occasion (birthday, Christmas, Decemberween, Chrismahannusolstikwansika), please consider indulging my 11 year old self. Just follow this link and enter the following info:

American Girl Dot Com

Parent’s last name: (my last name)
Child’s first name: (my first name)
Gift registry number: 47629662

That’s it!

Oh, and they’re selling out fast. Just sayin’.