Right, so I tried to post on January first, but our network did not feel like speaking to the outside world that day. We had a very boring New Year’s, indeed. JeT had to work on the Eve and the Day, so we hadn’t planned on partying too wildly anyway. When he got home from work on the Eve and found me still in my jammies, it was rather obvious that I didn’t particularly want to go out. I hadn’t felt well all day, and so we fell asleep around 11:30 pm. Woke up around 1-ish, said “happy new yrrrrrzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.” The next day I still didn’t feel well. Kind of like when you’re about to get a cold and your head weighs too much and all you need is a dozen or so more hours of sleep. Most of my family had been ill over the last few weeks, and I was exposed to all their germiness while visiting, so I was prepared to be sick. But when I woke up Wednesday, all was well. Thank goodness I’m not starting out the year ill.

Or starting my new job ill. That would be doubly worse. So, I’m now an assistant at Radcliffe and MIT. Woot! I’m now properly poised to conduct a proper job search, while still being able to pay some bills. I’m feeling optimistic at the start, though I haven’t done much leg work yet. I’m enjoying both of my part-time jobs thus far. I’ve been at Radcliffe since October, and only just started at MIT this week. Regarding the latter, I’d like to say that nuclear physicists have an interesting sense of humor. I also find it amusing that Oppenheimer’s friends called him “Oppie.”

I haven’t been knitting as much as I’d wanted to these last couple of weeks. I’ve mostly been sleeping, watching movies, and generally staring into space. I have much to knit before the belated Christmas gifts are going to be done, so I should get cracking. Especially since they’re supposed to be handed over in one week exactly. Right, maybe I should get off the computer.