Phoned Dad today (happy birthday!) and left a message; I couldn’t help but end the message with “Go SOX!” Not sure why, as my family doesn’t watch baseball, but whatever.

I’m wicked out of it this evening; migraine this afternoon. I was out of it all day, though. I made it all the way over the river to MIT when I realized that today is not a Cambridge day, but a Fenway day. Yeah, supposed to go to class, not work. Oh, well. I got there in time, anyway.

Right, game 2. I had some homework to do during the first three innings, but I was doing it from the couch, so I haven’t missed much. Dude! I had a mild fit when Drew got hit in the ankle. I hope he’s not injured. We need him.

I’m probably not going to watch the whole game tonight, as I’m not feeling well, but we’ll do the same thing we’ve been doing all post season when we have to go to bed before the games finish: roll out of bed and switch on the computer first thing.

Ok, Ellsbury’s up. He’s, like, 12 or something. He seems like a cool kid, though. I hope our defense is together tonight; something tells me we’re not going to be able to rely on our hitters like we did last night. And can I say how much fun it is to say “Apadaca” or however you spell it? It’s fun! You should try it!