Admittedly, this is probably a bad idea. I’m probalby a little too silly to type right now, but we’ll see how this goes. We’re at Chad’s right now. I haven’t gnawed on too many people this evening– rather unlike me. Usually, by this time I’ve gnawed on half of the attendees. We viewed a ton of photos earlier, as per usual at Chad’s functions. There was a fun slide show of ME pictures, wherein you could witness the silliness of all the faces I tend to make when I’m, um, well, silly I suppose. Funny stuff. Chad loves to take photos of himself. Pretty fun crowd right now. I’m not really sure why I sat down at the computer. Oh, yeah. To look up Corn Mo. I love that guy. He’s awesome. You should check him out. Corn Mo. He rules.

Mucho “fruity Ruthies” this eve. later gaters.